Blog entry by Fsd Academy

Leadership Development Programme

Fsd Academy
Thursday, 11 August 2022, 3:19 PM

Leadership Development Programme for FSD Africa staff. FSD Africa identifies leadership as the key driver of organizational success.

The LDP Programme criteria for this programme is  anyone who is already in, or aspiring to, a leadership position targeted for level 5 and 6.

The programme explores the question, “As a leader, how can I drive success for my team and organisation?”

Adopt a ‘Growth Mindset’ which will help you to learn from the professional  development  opportunities  provided;  as  well  as enhancing your emotional intelligence Manage your own development to support the achievement of your career plans Become aware of your leadership style and strengths; learn to moderate your behaviour as required to achieve good outcomes Develop a good sense of purpose and be clear about what you are aiming to accomplish; communicate in a way that wins buy-in from others Turn your goals into practical plans for action & organise your work systematically Deploy and manage available resources so as to achieve more with less Get people to co-operate with you willingly; engage others and delegate effectively Use  the  ‘Engagement  Process’  when  interacting  with  others; manage difficult conversations and confrontations skilfully Use your enhanced interpersonal skills to generate an inclusive workplace that is supportive of diversity Generate an organisation climate within which engagement and innovation can flourish Monitor  progress  and  take  appropriate  action  based  on  the results; solve problems and manage performance

Click the link below to begin your Leadership Development Journey!

Modified: Thursday, 11 August 2022, 3:28 PM

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